offline donors
Someone reached out asking about our experience using reach and I told them lots of great things. I did mention the one thing that has been bugging me the last few years about using your site so I thought I should share it with you to see if it’s something that could be added. Maybe it already exists and I don’t know about it?
The feature that I would like to see added is a way of managing offline donor's payments. We have quite a few donors that send checks (using lumped into one with donations for staff salaries or other funding) instead of online credit card payments.
I would love to be able to set a reminder email to go out to the sponsor and myself at the time that they chose for their payment (Monthly or Annually). We already receive emails when there is a failed payment and when an online donation goes through so it seems that we could also set a reminder email to offline donors since their email address are already in the Reach site anyway.
This would be an easy way to save me lots and lots of time emailing and reminding these particular donors or following up after the fact because they missed multiple payments.
It would be great, as well, if this email would link us back to the sponsors page in Reach so that I could click it and add in the donation on their page - because there is already a spot for that! that payment was received. (Currently the offline sponsors show as unpaid and say "payment is past due by $$$ unless we go in an manually add in the payment). Having this email with link show up in my mailbox at the time their donation should be paid would make this much easier to manage than having to go into Reach and search for each of the donors names to add in the offline donation. In fact, we just ignore adding those offline payments to Reach because of the amount of time it would require.
Thanks for reading. Hoping to see this feature added very soon (so we don't continue falling behind on offline donations!)

We have released Supporter Notifications which will allow you to create custom emails and drip campaigns that can be sent automatically to your supporters after certain events take place in REACH.
We’ve provided our suggested text for each supporter notification that includes the liquid elements you’ll want to pull in for each one.
Supporter Notifications can be set up for the following events:
- Event Registration
- Offline Sponsorship Past Due
- Offline Sponsorship Supporter Created
- Recurring Donation Ended
- Sponsorship Cancelled
- Supporter Created
Read our full Knowledge Base article on Supporter Notifications here:
Thanks for your feedback!
- the REACH team
AdminKatie (Admin, REACH) commented
We have released Supporter Notifications which will allow you to create custom emails and drip campaigns that can be sent automatically to your supporters after certain events take place in REACH.
We’ve provided our suggested text for each supporter notification that includes the liquid elements you’ll want to pull in for each one.
Supporter Notifications can be set up for the following events:
Event Registration
Offline Sponsorship Past Due
Offline Sponsorship Supporter Created
Recurring Donation Ended
Sponsorship Cancelled
Supporter CreatedRead our full Knowledge Base article on Supporter Notifications here:
Thanks for your feedback!
- the REACH team
Elaine Griswold commented
I also would like an easy way to remind offline sponsors that their sponsorship donation is due. We do add the payments when they are made, and so can get a report, and then we can reorganize the report, but it's a bit complicated and requires using an Excel spreadsheet. A sponsor-sponsorship field for renewal date would be helpful. We could fill that in when we enter the donation. It seems like the 'next donation' field is populated according to the date of the most recent donation. When sponsors pay 'late' the next payment will be even later, etc. We have lost a whole year of sponsorship money over a 3 year period because of the way of 'calculating' the next donation.