Sponsor only view for specific fields and albums
I would love to be able to set certain fields so that only Sponsors can see them as well as the ability to have albums associated with a specific sponsor child that can only be viewed by their sponsors and not public to everyone.
REACH now includes Sponsors Only custom fields for Sponsorship Types. A supporter must be logged in to view Sponsor Only information on their sponsorship(s).
Sponsorships can also be manually set to “Hide”, keeping them from showing on the Public Portal, but available for view for a Sponsor who has signed in.
Rick Weesner commented
It's actually a legal issue. Publicly posting pictures can be a legal issue for site owners. This needs to be a modification soon.
Katie Pauly commented
Yes, this is so important! I would love to see this soon. Some people do not want all of their information forward facing, so then with that request, we are left at a loss to try and honor their request.