Arranged custom fields to the position you want them
I created custom fields for sponsorships in the order I wanted them to appear on the profile. But even though I saved them in this order they appeared completely randomised in the final results. For example, the last name appears four lines down after the first name and not immediately after the first name where I placed it. It would be great to have a click and drag feature for this.
This feature was released April 12, 2016.
AdminKatie (Admin, REACH) commented
Hi Linda, you might need to ask your design team to confirm they are using the latest documented method for listing the custom fields on your sponsorship template. If an issue still exists contact support.
Linda commented
We may be missing something, but the custom fields do move within the category development side. We are able to create a custom field and organize it in the order we desire when building the Sponsorship Category, however, they are not reordering in the actual page of the Sponsorship.
Geoff commented
Fantastic. Thank you. :)